This quote by Marshall McLuhan, Canadian communications educator. "We shape our tools, and there after our tools shape us", sums up the need for social innovation for social change and why my focus is on process design and facilitation as leadership approaches.
Ghandi, Marshall McLuhan, bell hooks, Vandana Shiva, Marshall Ganz, Audre Lorde and many others have all tried to teach us the same thing; that we can not expect social change if we continue to work in the same ways based in outdated consciousness and methods.
This suggests the ends must match the means. The way we run meetings, organize, communicate, make decisions, or how we work for change must fit with what we aim to do. Social change methods that perpetuate systems of dominance and division are not helping. Community based methods ensure the what and the how mutually reinforce each other. Join me in changing the ways we work for change.